Speed Reading Test Online
Reading is becoming more and more important in the new knowledge economy and remains the most effective human activity for transforming information into knowledge. If top readers read at speeds of above 1000 words per minute (wpm) with near 85% comprehensi
장점 : 분야별, 레벨별로 테스트 가능, 실제 이해했는지 TOEFL처럼 간단한 문제가 나와서 테스트
단점 : 테스트에 약한 사람은 심적 부담이 될 수 있음
Free Speed Reading Test by AceReader
Your ability to read at higher speeds with good comprehension can dramatically affect your ability to succeed in school and in your career. Efficient reading leads to efficient learning. In today's information world there is no skill that is more important
My Read Speed
The free website to calculate your reading speed and show you just how easy and quickly you can read some of the best known classic books plus read any of the classics - 100% free Take the simple timed reading test and find out your reading speed in words
Speed Reading: Test Your Reading Speed
Press the play button below when you're ready to start the timer. You’ll be given an excerpt from a Wall Street Journal article to read. Hit the stop button when you’re done. See how your speed stacks up, then take a short quiz to test your comprehension.
American Speed Reading Corporation - Test Your Reading Speed
RESULTS 314 words in 0 seconds is 0.0 Words Per Minute. Speed Reading Suggestions: With the following suggestions in mind, you will be given the chance to read Test I again, and compare results: Extend your index finger as if you are pointing. Keep your wr